This ministry provides an opportunity to teach young people about their Catholic faith by relating it to their lives on an age appropriate level. A qualified person is someone who has a basic knowledge and love of the Catholic faith, a love of children, a sense of humor and lots of patience. Training is provided, diocesan certification is available and support and sharing of ideas is provided throughout the year. Teaching requires a nine to ten month commitment for elementary including approximately two hours of your time a week. Summer Vacation Bible School opportunities are also available. If you are interested in finding out more about this joyous opportunity.If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the Virginia Velazquez at 909-797-2533 ext. 224 or
This is for children and teens over the age of seven who are in need of baptism. We welcome you and your family into our program which will include religious instruction with children or teens your own age, as well as supplemental instruction about the basics of our faith. Adults are also needed to help instruct in this program.If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the Virginia Velazquez at 909-797-2533 ext. 224 or
This is for adults over the age of 18 who are baptized Catholic and are in need of their First Eucharist and/or Confirmation. We cover the basic doctrines and dogmas of our faith as well as the history and current practices. This class promises to be a spiritually enriching time for all. Adult team members are also needed to assist in teaching.If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the Virginia Velazquez at 909-797-2533 ext. 224 or
These sacraments are prepared for within our religious education program. It is a minimum two year process.If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the Virginia Velazquez at 909-797-2533 ext. 224 or
This sacrament is also prepared for within our religious education program for all high school students. Those attending a catholic high school must receive sacramental preparation at their home parish and receive Confirmation with their parish. It is a two year year commitment and believing in our young people. Adults can achieve this through participating in many youth ministry areas.If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the Virginia Velazquez at 909-797-2533 ext. 224 or
This is a special way for our children to celebrate the word of God at mass. All children over the age of 4 are welcome. The children are dismissed during the readings and return at the presentation of the gifts. Children’s Liturgy is celebrated during the 11am mass and is now offered at the Spanish 9am mass. More adults are needed to lead this rewarding ministry. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the Virginia Velazquez at 909-797-2533 ext. 224 or
The baptism of a baby or young child is truly a joyous occasion. Anyone needing their infant or young child baptized can pick up an application after any of the weekend masses. You will then be contacted for an interview and given the necessary dates. (If your child is over the age of 7 or if you are an adult needing baptism, we would love to journey with you through the sacraments – please see the information about RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation) If you are interested in assisting this team, we will provide the training. All you need is to be a person who enjoys working with parents and their children and have a willingness to learn more about our faith. We are in need of people to help instruct the families in both English and Spanish, and/or to assist the priest and deacons with the actual baptismal ceremonies held once every other month. If you are interested in this ministry, please contact the Margo Isenberg at 909-797-2533 ext. 225 or